Erica Scott & I have attended more Shadow Lane parties than 98% of people. If I actually counted the number of parties we have attended… I might faint… (You don’t want that do you?)
Early in our relationship, we knew we’d never play together. That was alright for both of us.
Erica is always a naughty, quick-tongued brat… but only aimed at men. And you know, I only spank women. So our friendship was build from mutual respect for each other’s nuance in the art of spanking. So cool!
- During our interview, Erica will share her history with spanking and offer advice to those seeking it!
- Award winning spanker Paul Kennedy spanks Erica Scott!
- Caning Erica Scott
When I began conducting interviews using video conferencing technology, I knew I’d get to sit Erica down for a chat. Although poorly lite… this maven has insights that anyone interested in the art of spankings & their parties will want to know.
This was recorded in 2018. Thankfully, it was not flushed down the toilet bowl that was my Youtube channel…. oy.
Erica Scott is recognized for her quick-witted blog; Life, Love & Spanking
You can also read her thoughts on TWITTER.
MadameSamanthaB Interviews
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