17 08, 2018

My Complete interview with the “Sizzling” Miss Rachel, Pro Disciplinarian


MadameSamanthaB Complete Interview with Miss Rachel Here is my complete interview with Miss Rachel, Pro Disciplinarian. “A strict disciplinary with attitude & spice… & everything nice! I enjoyed learning about this quiet, mysterious& beautiful Pro Disciplinarian, Miss Rachel.” MSB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please join me monthly, during the live stream interview I hold with a member of [...]

My Complete interview with the “Sizzling” Miss Rachel, Pro Disciplinarian2018-08-17T14:22:52-06:00
16 08, 2018

#2 Interview clip with Mr. Rob of DelcoVideoProductions.com & Crimson Moon Spanking


This is the second video clip introducing my next interviewee, Mr. Rob, friend & producer of spanking videos at DelcoVideoProductions as well as organizer of the Chicago Crimson Moon party. And you are invited to join us! MadameSamanthaB Interviews Mr. Rob Spanking Video Producer Join me for my live stream interview with Mr. Rob, of DelcoVideoProductions [...]

#2 Interview clip with Mr. Rob of DelcoVideoProductions.com & Crimson Moon Spanking2018-08-16T10:57:13-06:00
10 08, 2018

#1 Interview clip with Mr. Rob of DelcoVideoProductions.com & Crimson Moon Spanking


This is the first video clip introducing my next interviewee, Mr. Rob, friend & producer of spanking videos at DelcoVideoProductions as well as organizer of the Chicago Crimson Moon party. And you are invited to join us! MadameSamanthaB Interviews Mr. Rob Spanking Video Producer Join me for my live stream interview with Mr. Rob, of DelcoVideoProductions [...]

#1 Interview clip with Mr. Rob of DelcoVideoProductions.com & Crimson Moon Spanking2018-08-10T23:17:40-06:00
4 08, 2018

Be a Fly-on-the-Wall during a “Couples Spanking Session.”


Couples Spanking Session with a Pro Disciplinarian Are you curious what a "Couples Session" with me looks like? This couple gave me permission to share a portion of the recording from our real session. All three of us had an awesome time during our time together! As a Pro Disciplinarian of naughty girls, my task [...]

Be a Fly-on-the-Wall during a “Couples Spanking Session.”2018-08-04T20:58:50-06:00
24 07, 2018

#4 interview clip with “Sizzling” Miss Rachel, Pro Disciplinarian


This is the fourth of four video clips that severe Miss Rachel gave me to tease you with... Streaming, she& I will be chatting together this Friday, July 27th at 6 pm PST. And you are invited to join us! MadameSamanthaB Interviews Miss Rachel You are invited to join me over this Google Hangouts while I [...]

#4 interview clip with “Sizzling” Miss Rachel, Pro Disciplinarian2018-08-17T15:09:11-06:00
20 07, 2018

#3 interview clip with Miss Rachel, Pro Disciplinarian


This is the third of four video clips that severe Miss Rachel gave me to tease you with... Streaming, she& I will be chatting together next Friday, July 27th at 6 pm PST. And you are invited to join us! MadameSamanthaB Interviews Miss Rachel You are invited to join me over this Google Hangouts while I [...]

#3 interview clip with Miss Rachel, Pro Disciplinarian2018-08-10T23:02:01-06:00
14 07, 2018

#2 interview clip with Miss Rachel, Strict Pro Disciplinarian


This is the second of four video clips that Miss Rachel gave me. She "means" to tease you about her interview on Friday, July 27th at 6 pm PST. MadameSamanthaB Interviews Miss Rachel You are invited to join me over this Google Hangouts while I chat with & learn about Miss Rachel. She'll be telling us [...]

#2 interview clip with Miss Rachel, Strict Pro Disciplinarian2018-08-10T23:03:54-06:00
13 07, 2018

#1 interview clip with Miss Rachel, Pro Disciplinarian


This is the first of four video clips that Miss Rachel gave me to tease you with about her interview on Friday, July 27th at 6 pm PST. MadameSamanthaB Interviews Miss Rachel You are invited to join me over this Google Hangouts while I chat with & learn about Miss Rachel. She'll be telling us how [...]

#1 interview clip with Miss Rachel, Pro Disciplinarian2018-07-13T11:35:55-06:00
26 05, 2018

Whether you attended or only dreamt about attending the 2018 #LoneStarSpankingParty…


We would love to hear from you! The Lone Star Spanking Party Survey Please answer this simple anonymous survey. 2018 Lone Star Spanking Party Survey She misbehaved in the classroom...She knew the consequence... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also... if you have ever attended a large kinky party and have had a hard time acclimating back into your vanilla [...]

Whether you attended or only dreamt about attending the 2018 #LoneStarSpankingParty…2018-05-26T20:02:27-06:00
23 05, 2018

Join me tonight: AFTER SPANKING PARTY BLUES; Ideas about how to deal with them


After Spanking Party Blues Join me tonight, Wednesday, May 23 at 6 pm PST It is real. There is nothing wrong with you! Whether you have just attended your first party or your 100th party, there is likely to be some kind of reverberation in the days after... I know this from my own experience. [...]

Join me tonight: AFTER SPANKING PARTY BLUES; Ideas about how to deal with them2018-05-23T14:06:14-06:00
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