Rabbit Vibrators for women are designed with a variety of different functions. These wonderful female sex toys can have multi-speeds, be battery operated or be rechargeable, be waterproof for bathtub play and the like.
$75+ This well-rated selection of “bunnies” have functions that successfully give women outstanding external and G-Spot orgasms.
Click the one that fits your parameter best!

Fifty Shades of Grey Greedy Girl G-Spot Ra…
Go Ahead – Get Greedy For Pleasure! From the official line of Fifty Shades Of Grey toys… [More]

Twice as powerful as a rabbit vibrator! As seen in Cosmopolitan’s “Fab New Vibrators” a… [More]

Designed from top to bottom to pleasure you! Protected by Adam & Eve’s Satisfaction Gua… [More]
$50 and under, these Rabbit Vibrators are favorite sex toys for women. With a variety of functions some can spin, are made in different lengths and thicknesses, are waterproof and are made of silicone or hard plastic. Click the one you want to add to your collection!

Rabbit-Induced Orgasms Make Your Head Spin!Here’s a great 9 1/2″ tall rabbit vibe that … [More]

Everything you love about rabbit vibes, now sleeker, softer and easier to control! Deli… [More]

Bathing Bunny Waterproof Vibrator
For Splish-Splash Orgasms! A hot shower or warm bath helps to relax, soothe, and get yo… [More]