An Audio Recording for Your Listening Pleasure
After posting the invitation for the GIRLS ONLY event, I was privately contacted by several titillated cuties. Some wrote that they were “shy” but found the invite intriguing. Each was concerned that they would be pushed past their comfort level.
Even though the event was a place to test personal boundaries, it was set up to be a safe and respectful environment. Everyone was invited to think, listen, watch and perhaps engage in some kind of erotic or kinky play. They would be responsible for their own actions without any pressure.
For some of these ladies, I knew that just walking through the door would be their limit. It would mean they were acknowledging the fact that erotically, women were interesting to them. Oh, my!
One of my own boundaries was wondering if anyone would actually show up. So, like usual, I pressed through by prepping and preparing as though they all would walk through the door.
What to Buy for a Sexy all Girl’s Party
I went to the dollar store and let my mind go wild. I picked up a variety of items that could potentially enhance some of the experiences they might be considering. With my kinky mind, I came up with quite a variety of items. Things like spanking implements, clips, oils, powder, rubber gloves, sanitation liquid, baby bottles, and pacifiers etc…
Our party host provided me a large one bedroom suite. I set the room up with all of the chairs, table and sofas focused on where I would stand and introduce the parameters of the event. The room accommodated about 20 tushies. Ooh-la-la!
I threw all of my whimsical and kinky novelties out on the tables and waited for the show to start.

My gift to each girl.
My door guards were on time, armed and ready with a list of the girls who followed direction and RSVP’ed. They were instructed to give each one a simple string necklace laced with two clothes pins and a laminated tag printed with my blog information on it (growing my audience is the only way I can continue to bring you fun stories like this one.)
The girls who showed up without having RSVPed were verbally reprimanded at the door for their lack of following directions and then handed a necklace and admitted as well.
Dressed in my testosterone threaded original flight suit, I was pleased and somewhat relieved to see the stream of curious women walking through the door. I gently greeted each one and invited them to take a seat. Altogether there were over 20 ladies gathered. They represented all levels of play. Some were married, some single, a few in groups and even 2 pros.
Initially, my attention was on the shy girls who had written me in advance. I was less concerned with the more extroverted girls.
My presentation began with introducing myself and acknowledging each one of them for walking through the door. I knew it might be the only boundary some of them were going to cross that day. I then shared a bit about my background and a story exemplifying the kind of boundaries I had pushed myself through in the past.
Sexy Girl’s Only playtime
Now it was their turn to introduce themselves and share their item for Show and Tell. Some came prepared, some didn’t. It was fascinating to watch each girl chat about herself and her interests in sexy playtime with other women. I was impressed that they listened intensely and shared sweetly.
After everyone had shared, I told them that there was only one rule to follow during the next hour. They were not allowed to chat idly. Instead, their conversation had to be sexy and related to the play they might be seeking. Pointing to the toys sprinkled on the tables, I got them to giggle and relax as we segued into the action of the party.
We had several kinky scenes that took place in our private space. I was given permission to take some photographs for their own and your enjoyment. Here you go!
What girls want to do with girls
When I pulled out the red candles and a thermometer, a few of the girls got giddy!
- Girls Only, Tushie to tushie, Hot wax dripped
- Girls Only, Art work with wax.
- Girls Only, a kiss was necessary.
- Girls Only, temperature taken before spanking.
- Girls Only, preparing for temperature taking.
- Girls Only, Red Roped & Tied.