About MadameSamanthaB

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So far MadameSamanthaB has created 266 blog entries.
29 07, 2017

Action at Crimson Moon 7/17 part3


What goes on at a spanking / kinky play party? Intimate contact between two people playing has a whole new meaning at a party like this! Crimson Moon; A Spanking & Kinky Party Flogging Experts Spanking& Caning aftercare Aftercare is as important as the play itself... To [...]

Action at Crimson Moon 7/17 part32017-07-29T11:30:13-06:00
28 07, 2017

Crimson Moon Party 7.17 part2


Audio Recording for Your Listening Pleasure! It is hard to imagine that after almost 30 years of attending spanking &/or kinky parties, I am never bored! And that fact is still true for this "kinkster" even after attending what I found out was the last July party for the Crimson Moon organization. If [...]

Crimson Moon Party 7.17 part22017-07-31T22:41:19-06:00
24 07, 2017

The Last July Crimson Moon: A Unique & Heartfelt Weekend (Part 1)


An Audio Recording for Your Listening Pleasure! There was something very special about this last July Crimson Moon weekend. It's Monday morning and this veteran spanker is sitting at her computer with fingers poised to hopefully capture & capsulate a weekend filled with special and clarity provoking thought. The Last July Crimson Moon Spanking [...]

The Last July Crimson Moon: A Unique & Heartfelt Weekend (Part 1)2017-07-24T10:56:10-06:00
15 07, 2017

Crimson Moon Chicago… Taking My Own Spanking Party Advice


Audio Recording for Your Listening Pleasure Though I am a long time spanking enthusiasts & practitioner turned "Pro," next week I will be attending my very first Crimson Moon Spanking party in Chicago. Crimson Moon Spanking Party Walking into any kinky party for the first time can be daunting, even to this elder. [...]

Crimson Moon Chicago… Taking My Own Spanking Party Advice2017-07-15T11:27:34-06:00
25 06, 2017

My Interview with Andy Cano from SOMEONESGONNAGETIT


Andy Cano & his blog, "Someone's Gonna Get It" is a force to be reckoned with! In my interview below, Andy has kindly given me the opportunity to share & explain my most personal & favorite spanking proclivities. It makes clear the possibilities of empowerment that my Fantasy Fulfilment Sessions can offer ladies, persons identifying as [...]

My Interview with Andy Cano from SOMEONESGONNAGETIT2017-06-30T15:43:54-06:00
15 06, 2017

Advice for “After Spanking Party Blues”


An Audio Recording for your Listening Pleasure Say you're home, just back from a spectacular Spanking Party weekend. You watched spankings happen. You received spankings and even gave a few spankings. It was a dream come true, right? After Spanking Parties: Dreams come true? Now... it's Monday morning and you're back at work... in [...]

Advice for “After Spanking Party Blues”2017-06-15T13:16:38-06:00
29 04, 2017

3 Best Spanking Party Implements


Getting ready for a spanking play party? Want to make sure you have the proper implements to create both pain and pleasure for your partner? Here are 3 of my suggestions to juice up your time together! If you have the occasion to practice before the party (perhaps on yourself or on a pillow), I suggest [...]

3 Best Spanking Party Implements2017-11-22T13:56:01-06:00
7 04, 2017

You’re invited to the Houston Lone Star Spanking Party


An Audio Recording for your Listening Pleasure Your Lone Star Hostess, Madame Samantha Your Hostess for the Lone Star Spanking Party 2017 I am delighted to announce that I will be your official hostess at the Lone Star Spanking Party, 2017. Although I am originally a [...]

You’re invited to the Houston Lone Star Spanking Party2017-04-11T22:56:15-06:00
30 03, 2017

Menage a Trois; An Anal Plug Story


AUDIO RECORDING FOR YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE I decided to take advantage of the situation and first watch you get the spanking you so well deserved for disturbing me at work. Spanking to Start The surprise on both of your faces was priceless when I told our ultra-feminine Dominatrix [...]

Menage a Trois; An Anal Plug Story2017-11-22T14:04:29-06:00
16 03, 2017

GIRLS ONLY; “Tails” that can be told


An Audio Recording for Your Listening Pleasure After posting the invitation for the GIRLS ONLY event, I was privately contacted by several titillated cuties. Some wrote that they were “shy” but found the invite intriguing. Each was concerned that they would be pushed past their comfort level. Even though the event was [...]

GIRLS ONLY; “Tails” that can be told2017-03-16T13:38:30-06:00
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