About MadameSamanthaB

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So far MadameSamanthaB has created 266 blog entries.
28 05, 2016

A Big Woman’s Fantasy to Orgasm


Audio Reading for your Erotic Listening Pleasure As a child, her own obesity had never really bothered her. The life she was living wasn’t any different than anyone else’s, was it? She got up every morning, ate, went to school, ate, came home, snacked, studied and ate dinner with her family, who were [...]

A Big Woman’s Fantasy to Orgasm2016-06-03T23:00:49-06:00
20 05, 2016

The Giggle; A Sexy Erotic Fantasy part 2


Audio Reading for your Erotic Listening Pleasure   … Then one day while in the same city, an opportunity arose that allowed them to meet for a second dinner. He asked her to pick him up at the airport. Zealously, she did so dressed provocatively in tight black pants under a fitted, baby [...]

The Giggle; A Sexy Erotic Fantasy part 22017-02-03T10:59:50-06:00
13 05, 2016

The Giggle; A Sexy Historic Story


Audio Reading for your Erotic Listening Pleasure Pre Erotic Fantasy; It all began while sitting next to one another in elementary school. He was handsome, athletic and smart. She especially liked the sparkle in his eyes when he smiled shyly. Mad crush I say…mad crush! She lived on a busy dead end [...]

The Giggle; A Sexy Historic Story2018-01-20T13:46:28-06:00
7 05, 2016

My Wife’s Birthday Spanking


Audio Reading for your Erotic Listening Pleasure Yippie, it’s my birthday! Most people hate being another year older. But my husband tells me that I am the ultimate optimist. How I see it is that one year older means my sexy birthday spanking gets longer by a smack. Love that! As the Mom [...]

My Wife’s Birthday Spanking2017-02-03T10:59:50-06:00
29 04, 2016

BDSM Dungeon Stories, part 2


Audio Reading for your Erotic Listening Pleasure We were in a BDSM Dungeon in the warehouse district of NYC, circa 1993: I was conflicted. Would I rather join the others to look at the beautiful woman’s ass that had just been spanked by her master while locked in a stockade? Or, just sit [...]

BDSM Dungeon Stories, part 22017-02-03T10:59:50-06:00
22 04, 2016

BDSM Dungeon Visit, part 1


Audio Reading for your Erotic Listening Pleasure Holding his hand while wearing my new black leather thigh high boots, Jon carefully guided me out of the cab and across the dimly lit cobblestone street.  He knew that on this first visit to a public BDSM dungeon my balance could be compromised as [...]

BDSM Dungeon Visit, part 12017-02-03T10:59:50-06:00
15 04, 2016

Contagious Daydream….


Audio Reading for your Erotic Listening Pleasure Waiting for the elevator on the 15th floor, the three guests noticed as she floated up beside them. Standing only an arm’s length away but appearing a million miles from anywhere, she softly sighed. Each one watched secretly connecting with her in their own way. The [...]

Contagious Daydream….2016-08-10T09:59:56-06:00
9 04, 2016

Her 21st Century Muse: An Erotic Story


Audio Reading for your Erotic Listening Pleasure Out of his imagination, the words flow from his fingers tips and shows up on her screen. When it appears, it is a gift that sanctions her to share her most private sensual thoughts in the written word without concern of consequence. She is able to [...]

Her 21st Century Muse: An Erotic Story2017-02-03T10:59:51-06:00
25 03, 2016

The Divine “Miss M”


Audio Reading for your Erotic Listening Pleasure Never met anyone like Maggie before. At 26 she was independent enough to leave her family in Europe and relocate to New York’s hippest Brooklyn neighborhood. For two years she had developed a whole new life with an entirely new identity. It was the happiest she’d [...]

The Divine “Miss M”2017-02-03T10:59:51-06:00
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